IT In A Language You Understand

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I wrote this piece as I contemplated the fleeting nature of life, the changes we experience, our losses, gains, pains and joy.

I hope you enjoy reading it.

Image: Canva

I don’t know what tomorrow holds

But I have to keep moving I’m told

Uncertainty lies before us, young and old

Tomorrow is a gift we long to unfold

Let’s hold hands while we can today

We’ll meet to part and meet again someday

The race called life is not a relay

Each breath we take a debt to be paid

Let’s soak it in this present day

Under the sunset is where we’ll lay

Laughing and dancing is how we’ll play

Before the night comes and we have to sail

Live your best life as you journey this road

Ignore the naysayers you don’t belong in a mould

The memories you make are as good as gold

Your life, your script, a story to be told.

© NoordinaryEyitemmy

I am a storyteller, artist, writer and survivor who is passionate about helping women thrive and live their best life without guilt.

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